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Tempted by Vanity
As a hustler, Sharnay must maintain her quota weekly. As a student, she must maintain her grades weekly. The balance of succeeding in both help sharnay continuously generate wealth for her family, and putting herself into position for business world opportunities.
The more she works with Trap Queens, the more she becomes noticed by Gaman, the kingpin of Sinnoh Island, the closer she becomes to replacing him.
Action Roleplaying Game

Sharnay Vanity
The oldest child, and a true hustler. As a member of Trap Queens, she and Janine are the top sellers. Although Sharnay works in the street, she also goes to school. Unlike the rest of Trap Queens, Sharnay chooses not to be in the Street all day, and night. Sometimes it is necessary to make money, and so sometimes its necessary to do after extra credid school activities to maintain her grades.
She tries to manage her time to do both since she is head of her household at 15 years old. Her younger brothers are the only ones that truly have her back. Her rivalries on the Street and in school still aren't enough to make her enemy amongst the majority. Sharnay is well respected by everyone, only a couple of her peers dislike her, or possibly hate her.....
She doesn't allow these factors to determine her fate, because with her hustle, she's destined to be the most powerful person on Sinnoh Island in her older years.
More elaborate description below. (Backstory)
She tries to manage her time to do both since she is head of her household at 15 years old. Her younger brothers are the only ones that truly have her back. Her rivalries on the Street and in school still aren't enough to make her enemy amongst the majority. Sharnay is well respected by everyone, only a couple of her peers dislike her, or possibly hate her.....
She doesn't allow these factors to determine her fate, because with her hustle, she's destined to be the most powerful person on Sinnoh Island in her older years.
More elaborate description below. (Backstory)

Donald Vanity
The oldest male child, and aspiring street hustler just like his sister, Sharnay. His father, and even all of his friends always wanted him to continue to play sports since he was 5'10 and only 14 years old. He liked playing sports, but he loved the Street life he saw from his sister. He would sometimes be her muscle in certain situations that became out her control.
Donald was always a nice young man, but the day when he saw Sharnay truly hurt, and wasn't there to stop it, made him feel that it was his time to take over. The initial motivation was genuine, but eventually the money and power drove him insane in his older years.
Donald was always a nice young man, but the day when he saw Sharnay truly hurt, and wasn't there to stop it, made him feel that it was his time to take over. The initial motivation was genuine, but eventually the money and power drove him insane in his older years.

Malik Vanity
Second oldest male, third oldest child was always a quiet kid. He was very relaxed, and good to everyone he meets. He mostly stays to himself, but is always willing to protect his family at all costs. Malik liked to play games and draw, but the influence of his older siblings caused him to be in a life that he never thought he'd be in.
His personality allows him to speak and represent for the Vanity family in all business ventures that they will eventually obtain. Sometimes his kindness is viewed as weakness by his older siblings because he didn't allow their future power to corrupt him. Malik even knows this, but he never expected what they allowed to happen to him in his older years.
His personality allows him to speak and represent for the Vanity family in all business ventures that they will eventually obtain. Sometimes his kindness is viewed as weakness by his older siblings because he didn't allow their future power to corrupt him. Malik even knows this, but he never expected what they allowed to happen to him in his older years.

Eddie Vanity
The baby child was always the comedian of the family. He never took anything seriously because he was always taken care of by everyone around him. The issue that he faces is he feels entitled, and doesn't have to do anything for anyone else. His entire family thinks its just a phase of his, but he is very pompous.
What he doesn't know is that his decision to choose a girl he found attractive over Sharnay when she needed him most decided his fate of imprisonment for decades in his older years. Although this was the case, his imprisonment was the most important and major factor the Vanity family needed in order to become the most powerful family on Sinnoh Island. Eddy initially plots revenge on his family, but his time being imprisoned ironically saved him from damnation in his older years.
What he doesn't know is that his decision to choose a girl he found attractive over Sharnay when she needed him most decided his fate of imprisonment for decades in his older years. Although this was the case, his imprisonment was the most important and major factor the Vanity family needed in order to become the most powerful family on Sinnoh Island. Eddy initially plots revenge on his family, but his time being imprisoned ironically saved him from damnation in his older years.

Glo Vanity
The mother/matriarch of the Vanity family; was once a young street hustler that helped her mother, Vhette, operate a brothel. She saw a lot of things at a young age. Drugs, alcohol, prostitution, and even murder. By the time she was 15, she witnessed her mother killing her father after continuous arguments over money and the business. Allegedly, her mother met a client that offered her a large sum of money for her personal services. Glo's father, Sunny, didn't approve of the transaction which caused tension ever since between them. However, Sunny didn't mind using the money to become an alcoholic and even utilize the brothel's services when he wanted. He used to be very violent; would beat Vhette, but only in the body so her face wouldn't be bruised. A bruised face was bad for business. Her mother eventually had enough on one particular night.
This wasn't just another night at the brothel; Sunny came extremely drunk. He saw the man that was with Vhette once before; Sunny approached him, addressed the services that she provided, and his disapproval. The two men got into an argument over Vhette and got into a fist fight. Sunny almost beat the man to death, and when Vhette tried to stop him, Sunny assumed it was because she cared more about the man. When actually Vhette did not want a dead body in her brothel attracting police. Sunny then began to beat on Vhette, Glo even tried to stop him from attacking her, but Sunny punched her in the mouth and broke her jaw. Once that occurred, Vhette blacked out, grabbed her gun, and shot Sunny to death.
Vhette realized what she did and the consequences. She quickly ordered the girls to get all of the clients out of there, and she told Glo to go with the girls. After everyone was gone, Vhette stayed, called the police and told them that she killed her husband. The authorities arrived, and arrested Vhette. Since Vhette, Glo, and Sunny all came from another city called Viceside. Glo's parents were the only family she had. Vhette was sentenced to life in prison due to her previous offenses, and Glo was forced to literally be on her own at 15 years old.
She was almost sent to a foster home, but she got the top brothel girl, Gia's, assistance. Gia was known to have a specific skill set with being a Dominatrix, so her services only attracted very rich and specific clientele, Glo asked her to be her guardian in exchange for a raise. Gia was only 21 years old, and she didn't mind helping Glo after all of the assistance Vhette provided. Then the brothel eventually was back in business after a few months in a new location on Sinnoh Island with Gia and Glo's new brothel, called GG's.
GG's was highly profitable in Sinnoh Island, and eventually became a strip club with the brothel hidden in the basement of the club. Only Glo and Gia permitted access to the brothel for certain individuals. A few years later, on Glo's 18th birthday, a man named Donovan Vanity came to GG's. He was dressed very nicely in a white linen suit, which was impressive for a young man. While blowing out her cake, she noticed Donovan admiring her, and she was instantly attracted to him. He gave her $500 as a birthday gift, and they began to introduce themselves. She learned that Donovan was a nice young man that recently moved from Viceside to relocate for a contract job building houses on Sinnoh Island.
Glo was attracted to his poise, confidence, and physical features; she felt protected whenever she was with him, and she even gave him a side job to work in the brothel as security in GG's. Everything was going magnificent for years, Gia was able to take care of her two kids, Keyah and Janine, even after their father was murdered during a drug deal. Glo and Donovan even had children of their own; Sharnay Vanity and Donald Vanity, but everything dramatically changed for the worse.
One night in the brothel, a client did not want to pay for services. These kinds of situations don't occur often, but this instance was different than the others. The man that came to GG's was actually an undercover SIU officer. Sinnoh Island Investigation Unit officers are some of the sneakiest and manipulative law enforcement agency ever known. The SIU officer threatened to shut them down if they forced him to pay. Glo allowed him to get free services, but Gia did not agree with it. This SIU officer began to abuse his authority in GG's, demanding extreme services worth thousands for free. Gia and Glo started to realize that they were losing too much money.
Glo suggested they should threaten to reveal footage of him in GG's brothel area, but Gia mentioned that would expose their business, and the only solution was to kill him. Glo did not want to kill him even though she knew that was the best option, but after witnessing her father's death, she was completely against killing anyone no matter what. After another year, Glo was 27 and Gia was 33, Gia made up her mind to kill the officer.
She succeeding in murdering him after providing a service involving multiple girls by restraining him, forcing pills, drugs, and alcohol down his throat; taping his mouth, and finally suffocating him with a pillow while restrained to one of the GG's brothel beds. They then moved his body upstairs in their VIP section, while planting evidence to look like he did it all on his own.
There was a major investigation for the officer's death, but one of girls ending up telling authorities what Gia did because she was pressured by other SIU officers. No one ever knew who revealed the evidence to the SIU except Glo and a couple of the girls, but Gia assumed it was Glo, and Gia was sentenced to life in prison. While in prison, Gia sent an order for some of her subs to rob and burn down GG's after the investigation was over. All of the money GG's accrued was stolen, Glo and Donovan only had a little bit of money that they saved because they invested most of their money in GG's, which resulted in major depression because of the dramatic lifestyle change. Glo and Donovan began to obtain extremely bad habits from drugs and alcohol themselves while trying to raise four children, Sharnay, Donald, Malik, and Eddy. Their monthly income was now about 10% of what they used to earn, and the family struggled for years.
Soon an old customer, Lester, told Glo that he had an organization called Trap Queens distributing drugs for him. Glo didn't want to personally get involved but she recommended her oldest child, Sharnay, to work with Lester eventually. Lester agreed, and at the age of 12 Glo began to teach the street life to Sharnay, and that was Sharnay's start to becoming the bread winner in their household.
She once told her children that if they didn't become rich, she wouldn't love them anymore. That thought process in a young child's mind was detrimental to the Vanity children's way of thinking. Some will say she is the reason why the Vanity children are who they are now, but Glo did the best she could with them. An abusive and negligent husband along with a secret drug addiction was very overwhelming for the mother of four. Only God can judge her.....
This wasn't just another night at the brothel; Sunny came extremely drunk. He saw the man that was with Vhette once before; Sunny approached him, addressed the services that she provided, and his disapproval. The two men got into an argument over Vhette and got into a fist fight. Sunny almost beat the man to death, and when Vhette tried to stop him, Sunny assumed it was because she cared more about the man. When actually Vhette did not want a dead body in her brothel attracting police. Sunny then began to beat on Vhette, Glo even tried to stop him from attacking her, but Sunny punched her in the mouth and broke her jaw. Once that occurred, Vhette blacked out, grabbed her gun, and shot Sunny to death.
Vhette realized what she did and the consequences. She quickly ordered the girls to get all of the clients out of there, and she told Glo to go with the girls. After everyone was gone, Vhette stayed, called the police and told them that she killed her husband. The authorities arrived, and arrested Vhette. Since Vhette, Glo, and Sunny all came from another city called Viceside. Glo's parents were the only family she had. Vhette was sentenced to life in prison due to her previous offenses, and Glo was forced to literally be on her own at 15 years old.
She was almost sent to a foster home, but she got the top brothel girl, Gia's, assistance. Gia was known to have a specific skill set with being a Dominatrix, so her services only attracted very rich and specific clientele, Glo asked her to be her guardian in exchange for a raise. Gia was only 21 years old, and she didn't mind helping Glo after all of the assistance Vhette provided. Then the brothel eventually was back in business after a few months in a new location on Sinnoh Island with Gia and Glo's new brothel, called GG's.
GG's was highly profitable in Sinnoh Island, and eventually became a strip club with the brothel hidden in the basement of the club. Only Glo and Gia permitted access to the brothel for certain individuals. A few years later, on Glo's 18th birthday, a man named Donovan Vanity came to GG's. He was dressed very nicely in a white linen suit, which was impressive for a young man. While blowing out her cake, she noticed Donovan admiring her, and she was instantly attracted to him. He gave her $500 as a birthday gift, and they began to introduce themselves. She learned that Donovan was a nice young man that recently moved from Viceside to relocate for a contract job building houses on Sinnoh Island.
Glo was attracted to his poise, confidence, and physical features; she felt protected whenever she was with him, and she even gave him a side job to work in the brothel as security in GG's. Everything was going magnificent for years, Gia was able to take care of her two kids, Keyah and Janine, even after their father was murdered during a drug deal. Glo and Donovan even had children of their own; Sharnay Vanity and Donald Vanity, but everything dramatically changed for the worse.
One night in the brothel, a client did not want to pay for services. These kinds of situations don't occur often, but this instance was different than the others. The man that came to GG's was actually an undercover SIU officer. Sinnoh Island Investigation Unit officers are some of the sneakiest and manipulative law enforcement agency ever known. The SIU officer threatened to shut them down if they forced him to pay. Glo allowed him to get free services, but Gia did not agree with it. This SIU officer began to abuse his authority in GG's, demanding extreme services worth thousands for free. Gia and Glo started to realize that they were losing too much money.
Glo suggested they should threaten to reveal footage of him in GG's brothel area, but Gia mentioned that would expose their business, and the only solution was to kill him. Glo did not want to kill him even though she knew that was the best option, but after witnessing her father's death, she was completely against killing anyone no matter what. After another year, Glo was 27 and Gia was 33, Gia made up her mind to kill the officer.
She succeeding in murdering him after providing a service involving multiple girls by restraining him, forcing pills, drugs, and alcohol down his throat; taping his mouth, and finally suffocating him with a pillow while restrained to one of the GG's brothel beds. They then moved his body upstairs in their VIP section, while planting evidence to look like he did it all on his own.
There was a major investigation for the officer's death, but one of girls ending up telling authorities what Gia did because she was pressured by other SIU officers. No one ever knew who revealed the evidence to the SIU except Glo and a couple of the girls, but Gia assumed it was Glo, and Gia was sentenced to life in prison. While in prison, Gia sent an order for some of her subs to rob and burn down GG's after the investigation was over. All of the money GG's accrued was stolen, Glo and Donovan only had a little bit of money that they saved because they invested most of their money in GG's, which resulted in major depression because of the dramatic lifestyle change. Glo and Donovan began to obtain extremely bad habits from drugs and alcohol themselves while trying to raise four children, Sharnay, Donald, Malik, and Eddy. Their monthly income was now about 10% of what they used to earn, and the family struggled for years.
Soon an old customer, Lester, told Glo that he had an organization called Trap Queens distributing drugs for him. Glo didn't want to personally get involved but she recommended her oldest child, Sharnay, to work with Lester eventually. Lester agreed, and at the age of 12 Glo began to teach the street life to Sharnay, and that was Sharnay's start to becoming the bread winner in their household.
She once told her children that if they didn't become rich, she wouldn't love them anymore. That thought process in a young child's mind was detrimental to the Vanity children's way of thinking. Some will say she is the reason why the Vanity children are who they are now, but Glo did the best she could with them. An abusive and negligent husband along with a secret drug addiction was very overwhelming for the mother of four. Only God can judge her.....

Donovan Vanity
Some people say Donovan Vanity was misjudged, but how would you feel if you had it all, and then it all vanishes in a blink? This young man from Viceside moved to Sinnoh Island. Once he met Glo Vanity, his life would change forever, unbeknownst to him. He grew up watching his father work, and watching his mother take care of the house. He noticed as a young man that sometimes his parents would fight each other when they'd argue. Ironically, most of the time his mother would win.
Some people say Donovan Vanity was misjudged, but how would you feel if you had it all, and then it all vanishes in a blink? This young man from Viceside moved to Sinnoh Island. Once he met Glo Vanity, his life would change forever, unbeknownst to him. He grew up watching his father work, and watching his mother take care of the house. He noticed as a young man that sometimes his parents would fight each other when they'd argue. Ironically, most of the time his mother would win.
"She was good to me, just not good for me"-Donovan Vanity
Some people say Donovan Vanity was misjudged, but how would you feel if you had it all, and then it all vanishes in a blink? This young man from Viceside moved to Sinnoh Island. Once he met Glo Vanity, his life would change forever, unbeknownst to him. He grew up watching his father work, and watching his mother take care of the house. He noticed as a young man that sometimes his parents would fight each other when they'd argue. Ironically, most of the time his mother would win.
"She was good to me, just not good for me"-Donovan Vanity
Cover Art for Tempted by Vanity

More Character Bios

Sharnay Vanity
The oldest sibling of the Vanity children; Sharnay Vanity is the one that will change Sinnoh Island soon. The obstacles that she faces and overcomes through school and the streets are the keys to her success. Her enemies are sometimes even her closest peers. Jealousy, greed, and hate fuel her oppositions.
She cares for her younger brothers, Donald, Malik, and Eddy Vanity. Their parents Donovan and Glo, have marital issues which results in household maintenance issues. Sharnay hustles in the street to maintain household operating costs, and goes to school to maintain her grades as well.
The influences and oppositions in Sharnay's life will eventually cause her decisions to not only change Sinnoh Island forever, but drastically change she and her family's lives in a manner that could cause regret.
At the age of 12 she began to be taught about the street life. Her mother, Glo, used to be a major hustler, and owner a very popular strip club called GG's before she became a drug addict, but still was recognized as one of the original gangsters, O.G.'s. Sharnay was always smart in school so weight measurements and price correlations were easy for her. By the time she was 13 Glo felt she was ready to join Trap Queens. Glo put the word out to a man named Lester, for Sharnay to join. Glo relayed the message to Sharnay to meet at the grocery store, after school, with a girl named Janine.
Janine was the street leader of Trap Queens, who learned the game from her imprisoned mother Gia, and super model, older sister, Keyah. Along with Janine were a few more female gang members that told Sharnay her initiation was for her to steal a bunch of food for them. Once they got all of the items that they wanted, they all proceeded to leave. Then when they got close to the doors, they all ran and scattered. With no plan on where to go, Sharnay decided to just walk home. As she was walking home, a SIU officer pulls over and arrest Sharnay for stealing.
When she reaches the station, she notices Janine is in custody as well. When the officers start questioning them, neither girl says anything. So the officers end up calling Glo, and Keyah. They come and take the kids home after a mild scolding, but also are commended on not snitching on each other. The next day, Janine met up with Sharnay and told her she was in Trap Queens.
Janine and Sharnay were not good friends, but they weren't enemies. They worked well together on the street. Janine always was the top seller because she spent more time in the street than Sharnay, but Sharnay did very well on the street for the little bit of time that she did spend there after school. If Sharnay spent more time in the street, she'd definitely would be compared to Janine. Over a couple of years that idea became a reality. Sharnay weekly sales were close to Janines weekly sales in a smaller time period, and she never needed to do favors for Lester.
Once it became noticed, more and more people noticed, and Sharnay's rise in Trap Queens was viewed as admirable and intimidating. Then her relationships with people that she worked with began to change. At 15 years old, Sharnay was not only intimidating on the street, but also in school. Amber whom was Sharnay's enemy since elementary school was always jealous of Sharnay growing up. As kids, Sharnay and Amber were bitter rivals. They always competed against each other in everything related to school. Sports, spelling bees, projects, assignments, after school activities, and much more. Sharnay didn't always come 1st, but she always beat Amber.
Once she had to join the street though, her time for all of the extracurricular activities, and the rivalry with Amber that fueled Sharnay, faded. So her focus became just being able to graduate and still make enough money to help take care of the household. With her mother always under the influence of drugs, and her father always away drinking alcohol or working, there was not much stability in house with three younger brothers. As time continues Sharnay's aptitude and pain allows her to become the biggest Queen pin Sinnoh Island ever had.
The oldest sibling of the Vanity children; Sharnay Vanity is the one that will change Sinnoh Island soon. The obstacles that she faces and overcomes through school and the streets are the keys to her success. Her enemies are sometimes even her closest peers. Jealousy, greed, and hate fuel her oppositions.
She cares for her younger brothers, Donald, Malik, and Eddy Vanity. Their parents Donovan and Glo, have marital issues which results in household maintenance issues. Sharnay hustles in the street to maintain household operating costs, and goes to school to maintain her grades as well.
The influences and oppositions in Sharnay's life will eventually cause her decisions to not only change Sinnoh Island forever, but drastically change she and her family's lives in a manner that could cause regret.
At the age of 12 she began to be taught about the street life. Her mother, Glo, used to be a major hustler, and owner a very popular strip club called GG's before she became a drug addict, but still was recognized as one of the original gangsters, O.G.'s. Sharnay was always smart in school so weight measurements and price correlations were easy for her. By the time she was 13 Glo felt she was ready to join Trap Queens. Glo put the word out to a man named Lester, for Sharnay to join. Glo relayed the message to Sharnay to meet at the grocery store, after school, with a girl named Janine.
Janine was the street leader of Trap Queens, who learned the game from her imprisoned mother Gia, and super model, older sister, Keyah. Along with Janine were a few more female gang members that told Sharnay her initiation was for her to steal a bunch of food for them. Once they got all of the items that they wanted, they all proceeded to leave. Then when they got close to the doors, they all ran and scattered. With no plan on where to go, Sharnay decided to just walk home. As she was walking home, a SIU officer pulls over and arrest Sharnay for stealing.
When she reaches the station, she notices Janine is in custody as well. When the officers start questioning them, neither girl says anything. So the officers end up calling Glo, and Keyah. They come and take the kids home after a mild scolding, but also are commended on not snitching on each other. The next day, Janine met up with Sharnay and told her she was in Trap Queens.
Janine and Sharnay were not good friends, but they weren't enemies. They worked well together on the street. Janine always was the top seller because she spent more time in the street than Sharnay, but Sharnay did very well on the street for the little bit of time that she did spend there after school. If Sharnay spent more time in the street, she'd definitely would be compared to Janine. Over a couple of years that idea became a reality. Sharnay weekly sales were close to Janines weekly sales in a smaller time period, and she never needed to do favors for Lester.
Once it became noticed, more and more people noticed, and Sharnay's rise in Trap Queens was viewed as admirable and intimidating. Then her relationships with people that she worked with began to change. At 15 years old, Sharnay was not only intimidating on the street, but also in school. Amber whom was Sharnay's enemy since elementary school was always jealous of Sharnay growing up. As kids, Sharnay and Amber were bitter rivals. They always competed against each other in everything related to school. Sports, spelling bees, projects, assignments, after school activities, and much more. Sharnay didn't always come 1st, but she always beat Amber.
Once she had to join the street though, her time for all of the extracurricular activities, and the rivalry with Amber that fueled Sharnay, faded. So her focus became just being able to graduate and still make enough money to help take care of the household. With her mother always under the influence of drugs, and her father always away drinking alcohol or working, there was not much stability in house with three younger brothers. As time continues Sharnay's aptitude and pain allows her to become the biggest Queen pin Sinnoh Island ever had.

The leader of the Trap Queens. She started working for Lester when she was 14; eventually she gained more than enough money to hire her own personal crew under Trap Queens, supplies, and splurge.
At 18, she is respected amongst the streets, and the students at Sinnoh High School; only one person doesn't. What started off as a cordial relationship changed after speaking with her mother Gia. Janine is the younger sister of Keyah, and are both Gia's daughters. Janine's father was a supplier for Gaman, but he eventually was killed in a bad drug deal. There are still rumors that it was hit put on him because he used to steal from Gaman.
When Trap Queens was first introduced to Janine, she was ready. She always wanted to be street hustler like her father, and swore that she would do it differently than he did. So when Keyah put her in, Janine immediately started saving her money, and even doing favors for Lester to eventually put herself on. She made a name for herself being one of the most successful Trap Queens, but some of girls know how she really started. Although Keyah was there for support, Janine one day was robbed by a fiend, and took off with all of her money to reach her quota. Lester offered her a deal that would quadruple her money, and he'd still give her a restock. The catch was the favor that was highly unfavorable, but she did it for her future.
Although her future is prosperous as the leader of Trap Queens and bringing in a lot of money, but sometimes the past haunts her. So she influences some of the Trap Queens to do more favors for Lester so their crew can get free supplies and she uses it against them if necessary. After having conversations with her mother, she was told that Sharnay can't be trusted, especially after Sharnay's sales growth became intimidating to Janine, risking her authority in Trap Queens.
Over time, Janine begins to highly dislike Sharnay, and plots against her to ensure her failure.
At 18, she is respected amongst the streets, and the students at Sinnoh High School; only one person doesn't. What started off as a cordial relationship changed after speaking with her mother Gia. Janine is the younger sister of Keyah, and are both Gia's daughters. Janine's father was a supplier for Gaman, but he eventually was killed in a bad drug deal. There are still rumors that it was hit put on him because he used to steal from Gaman.
When Trap Queens was first introduced to Janine, she was ready. She always wanted to be street hustler like her father, and swore that she would do it differently than he did. So when Keyah put her in, Janine immediately started saving her money, and even doing favors for Lester to eventually put herself on. She made a name for herself being one of the most successful Trap Queens, but some of girls know how she really started. Although Keyah was there for support, Janine one day was robbed by a fiend, and took off with all of her money to reach her quota. Lester offered her a deal that would quadruple her money, and he'd still give her a restock. The catch was the favor that was highly unfavorable, but she did it for her future.
Although her future is prosperous as the leader of Trap Queens and bringing in a lot of money, but sometimes the past haunts her. So she influences some of the Trap Queens to do more favors for Lester so their crew can get free supplies and she uses it against them if necessary. After having conversations with her mother, she was told that Sharnay can't be trusted, especially after Sharnay's sales growth became intimidating to Janine, risking her authority in Trap Queens.
Over time, Janine begins to highly dislike Sharnay, and plots against her to ensure her failure.

Keyah is Gaman's good friend. She's a major influencer with her modeling and connections. She is also the true leader of Trap Queens. Keyah's younger sister, Janine, is the street leader, but Keyah directs how everyone is paid, and what moves are made. When Keyah was in high school she also worked for Lester briefly, but when Gaman noticed her he felt she would be utilized doing something far greater than selling drugs.
He introduced her to one of his associates that ran Modeling from Sinnoh. Modeling from Sinnoh, or MFS, has been notarized for having the prettiest models to advertise for different companies generating underestimated revenue.
Keyah started making $2K/week modeling for MFS at 16 years old, and has only increased her income and gained more notoriety at age 25 making over $8K/week and an additional $10K/week from Trap Queens without selling on the street.
Keyah's monthly income is $72K/Month. Since she lives such a lavish lifestyle, her saving habits are not good, which results in her only saving about 5% of her money on average. Once Gaman learns of Sharnay, he asks her to find out information about her. Keyah believes he plans to have her run the drug ring in the future, which would conflict with her monthly income. She gets Janine to keep tabs on Sharnay, but she is oblivious to the fact that Gaman is actually looking for a future replacement.....
He introduced her to one of his associates that ran Modeling from Sinnoh. Modeling from Sinnoh, or MFS, has been notarized for having the prettiest models to advertise for different companies generating underestimated revenue.
Keyah started making $2K/week modeling for MFS at 16 years old, and has only increased her income and gained more notoriety at age 25 making over $8K/week and an additional $10K/week from Trap Queens without selling on the street.
Keyah's monthly income is $72K/Month. Since she lives such a lavish lifestyle, her saving habits are not good, which results in her only saving about 5% of her money on average. Once Gaman learns of Sharnay, he asks her to find out information about her. Keyah believes he plans to have her run the drug ring in the future, which would conflict with her monthly income. She gets Janine to keep tabs on Sharnay, but she is oblivious to the fact that Gaman is actually looking for a future replacement.....

Meet Lester, one of the main suppliers of drugs in Sinnoh Island. He is known for being the supplier for the infamous Trap Queens, along with Sharnay. He's also known to not care much about materialistic items, but he favors young women tremendously. He often gives discounts to certain subordinates for their overachieving work. Sharnay does not particularly like that he or other subordinates involve themselves with the criteria to receive discounts, but she tries to mind her own business.
He first started working for Gaman as block boy, he wasn't too good at it, but he was trustworthy. Gaman noticed that Lester was never short with his money. It may have taken him a little longer than the others, but unlike the others, he was always trustworthy. Other block boys would sometimes pocket more than they should have, and their superiors would allow it so they could get a cut too. Gaman allowed certain suppliers to do this with their subordinates, and he'd eventually have them all beaten to near death for their thievery. Since Gaman never had issues from Lester, or his superior, he was recommended to become a supplier. Once he became a supplier, his lust for women introduced him to a new crowd at GG's. He was then able to establish a small business arrangement that profited GG's and even Gaman.
Lester was once an old friend of Gia and Glo decades ago, and he always appreciated the quality service he was given at the Notorious GG's from the past. After Gia was imprisoned for the murder of a NIU officer she reached out to Lester because she knew that he had connections to Gaman. She offered him a large some of money that she stole/earned from GG's to fund a new gang that would help him distribute, and be beneficial. She told him to recruit her oldest daughter Keyah who was already on the rise as a famous model to orchestrate the creation of Trap Queens.
Gia's and Lester's history goes back to him liking the services of a dominatrix. He enjoyed the services that she provided, and always paid her very well. Glo would always give him discounts on food and beverages, so he's always had a soft spot for those two. With the creation of Trap Queens, the money flow increased dramatically with Keyah and Gia's influence. He then asked Gia if he thought Glo would be interested, but Gia doesn't want Glo to know that she is involved, because she believes Glo snitched. She tells Lester to do whatever he wants, but she doesn't want any contact with Glo.
Lester knew about the financial troubles that the Vanity family was going through since GG's was burned down, and he also knew that the money that Gia funded was probably what Glo was entitled too as well. Due to Lester's sick, and manipulative mind, he didn't care too much about helping Glo as much as he cared about his personal desires. So he offered Glo assistance to help make money with Trap Queens. He told her, he'd offer her free supplies for free services, but Glo declined. Glo being strung out on drugs, she offered her daughter to take her place, but she taught her to earn her money, and not allow Lester to manipulate her.
So Lester eventually recruited Sharnay under Janine, Keyah's younger sister, and current leader of Trap Queens. Although Lester doesn't always get what he wants all the time, he does wait for the opportunity to get what he's always wanted, even if it takes years no matter what.
He first started working for Gaman as block boy, he wasn't too good at it, but he was trustworthy. Gaman noticed that Lester was never short with his money. It may have taken him a little longer than the others, but unlike the others, he was always trustworthy. Other block boys would sometimes pocket more than they should have, and their superiors would allow it so they could get a cut too. Gaman allowed certain suppliers to do this with their subordinates, and he'd eventually have them all beaten to near death for their thievery. Since Gaman never had issues from Lester, or his superior, he was recommended to become a supplier. Once he became a supplier, his lust for women introduced him to a new crowd at GG's. He was then able to establish a small business arrangement that profited GG's and even Gaman.
Lester was once an old friend of Gia and Glo decades ago, and he always appreciated the quality service he was given at the Notorious GG's from the past. After Gia was imprisoned for the murder of a NIU officer she reached out to Lester because she knew that he had connections to Gaman. She offered him a large some of money that she stole/earned from GG's to fund a new gang that would help him distribute, and be beneficial. She told him to recruit her oldest daughter Keyah who was already on the rise as a famous model to orchestrate the creation of Trap Queens.
Gia's and Lester's history goes back to him liking the services of a dominatrix. He enjoyed the services that she provided, and always paid her very well. Glo would always give him discounts on food and beverages, so he's always had a soft spot for those two. With the creation of Trap Queens, the money flow increased dramatically with Keyah and Gia's influence. He then asked Gia if he thought Glo would be interested, but Gia doesn't want Glo to know that she is involved, because she believes Glo snitched. She tells Lester to do whatever he wants, but she doesn't want any contact with Glo.
Lester knew about the financial troubles that the Vanity family was going through since GG's was burned down, and he also knew that the money that Gia funded was probably what Glo was entitled too as well. Due to Lester's sick, and manipulative mind, he didn't care too much about helping Glo as much as he cared about his personal desires. So he offered Glo assistance to help make money with Trap Queens. He told her, he'd offer her free supplies for free services, but Glo declined. Glo being strung out on drugs, she offered her daughter to take her place, but she taught her to earn her money, and not allow Lester to manipulate her.
So Lester eventually recruited Sharnay under Janine, Keyah's younger sister, and current leader of Trap Queens. Although Lester doesn't always get what he wants all the time, he does wait for the opportunity to get what he's always wanted, even if it takes years no matter what.

Gaman Sinnoh
The Kingpin of Sinnoh Island, passed down through generations and has been a capstone of drug trafficking, prostitution, gambling, and higher learning. Gaman Sinnoh, whom secretly controls the government of Sinnoh Island is becoming old, and never had any children. In order to keep the businesses going, he needs someone who is street smart, book smart, beautiful, and broken.
He secretly has his hand in everything; additionally he makes decisions methodically and very precise. There are many, many secrets about Gaman and his family, but everyone knows that he is a killer, has a large army of killers, and diplomatic powers that follow him, he's basically invincible. This man's power and influence puts fear in everyone that knows who he is.
He succeeded his father after his father died from pneumonia, and after he took control, the Sinnoh family operation thrived even more. With Gaman's intelligence he organized all of the rival families and to come together and work under Sinnoh as one instead of being separate. He even was able to convince politicians to change laws that benefited the crime families in exchange for the politicians to be involved with the benefits of crime, but without the consequences.
Everything was going perfectly for decades, but Gaman never had much of an interest in women. His father, Leo, had many women that took advantage of him, and spent all of his money after Gaman's mother, Donna, died in a "car accident" coincidentally before she was supposed to go testify against an altercation with one of Leo's mistresses. After she died, the life insurance policy was given to Gaman, and Gaman saved it to use the money for the future which is what he did, and made Sinnoh Island what it is. With those accomplishments, and lack of interest in women resulted in no children to succeed him. His age is catching up to him, and someone needs to take over that is trustworthy, and is capable of completing his plans for Sinnoh Island. That successor becomes his main goal, and as Gaman seeks out a potential heir, he puts things in place to utilize a certain individual that has caught his attention over the past couple of years to become his successor one day.
He secretly has his hand in everything; additionally he makes decisions methodically and very precise. There are many, many secrets about Gaman and his family, but everyone knows that he is a killer, has a large army of killers, and diplomatic powers that follow him, he's basically invincible. This man's power and influence puts fear in everyone that knows who he is.
He succeeded his father after his father died from pneumonia, and after he took control, the Sinnoh family operation thrived even more. With Gaman's intelligence he organized all of the rival families and to come together and work under Sinnoh as one instead of being separate. He even was able to convince politicians to change laws that benefited the crime families in exchange for the politicians to be involved with the benefits of crime, but without the consequences.
Everything was going perfectly for decades, but Gaman never had much of an interest in women. His father, Leo, had many women that took advantage of him, and spent all of his money after Gaman's mother, Donna, died in a "car accident" coincidentally before she was supposed to go testify against an altercation with one of Leo's mistresses. After she died, the life insurance policy was given to Gaman, and Gaman saved it to use the money for the future which is what he did, and made Sinnoh Island what it is. With those accomplishments, and lack of interest in women resulted in no children to succeed him. His age is catching up to him, and someone needs to take over that is trustworthy, and is capable of completing his plans for Sinnoh Island. That successor becomes his main goal, and as Gaman seeks out a potential heir, he puts things in place to utilize a certain individual that has caught his attention over the past couple of years to become his successor one day.

The star athlete of the Sinnoh Strikers Baseball Team. Rod is excellent/best at bat, and their best pitcher. People always ask how he's so good at both, but he always says it's just in his genes! Amber, cheerleading captain, is Rod's girlfriend, but he seems to be more interested in Sharnay. Sharnay seems to show interest too, but knows it will never work out between them.
Ever since Rod was two he had a baseball in his hand. He used to throw it up in the air, and run to try to catch it. Then he began throwing it at objects he placed on a trash can when he was alone. Over time, he always had a baseball in his hand, and always played with his friends in his hometown Entei. After joining the team, his talent was widely recognized, and even reached Sinnoh Island. The school had an investor that wanted Rod to play there, and eventually play professionally. So the school sent out an invitation to Rod to come move to Sinnoh Island with his family, all expenses paid with a new paid for home, and vehicle. The family decided it was the best thing to do.
When he arrived at the school, the first girl he saw was Sharnay, they sit next to each other in class, and they're really good friends. There's an obvious attraction, but Rod's subtle never worked on Sharnay, so he decided to be with Amber. Plus, Amber's influence helps Rod get away with a lot of things in school. Being late, not turning assignments, disruptive in class; whenever Rod is sent to the office for his behavior, administration slaps him on the wrist, and lets him go. He basically has his way with everything in school, but he cant figure out how to attract Sharnay.
One day Rod's perseverance may be tragic, especially with Amber's anger problems.
Ever since Rod was two he had a baseball in his hand. He used to throw it up in the air, and run to try to catch it. Then he began throwing it at objects he placed on a trash can when he was alone. Over time, he always had a baseball in his hand, and always played with his friends in his hometown Entei. After joining the team, his talent was widely recognized, and even reached Sinnoh Island. The school had an investor that wanted Rod to play there, and eventually play professionally. So the school sent out an invitation to Rod to come move to Sinnoh Island with his family, all expenses paid with a new paid for home, and vehicle. The family decided it was the best thing to do.
When he arrived at the school, the first girl he saw was Sharnay, they sit next to each other in class, and they're really good friends. There's an obvious attraction, but Rod's subtle never worked on Sharnay, so he decided to be with Amber. Plus, Amber's influence helps Rod get away with a lot of things in school. Being late, not turning assignments, disruptive in class; whenever Rod is sent to the office for his behavior, administration slaps him on the wrist, and lets him go. He basically has his way with everything in school, but he cant figure out how to attract Sharnay.
One day Rod's perseverance may be tragic, especially with Amber's anger problems.

Meet Amber, she is what every girl in Sinnoh High School wants to be. She is at the top of her class in grades, captain of the cheerleader squad, class president, and dates the best baseball player on the Sinnoh Strikers baseball team. As much as she is revered by every girl and boy in school, Sharnay Vanity is not impressed. Amber knows that, and hates that Sharnay doesn't revere her. Amber constantly challenges Sharnay whenever the opportunity arises to express her animosity.
Amber has always been second to Sharnay, and the childhood rivalry motivated her to become better. Always a rich, and spoiled girl. Her parents are both lawyers in Sinnoh Island. Their clients are usually politicians and celebrities, and have given Amber everything she's ever wanted. She already always has the latest sports car, the latest clothes, and is always attentive to new trends. Along with her being trendy, being class president allows her to control and dictate events that occur in school, which gives her major influence in the institution. Her fund raisers usually raise the school a lot of money, so she has major connections within the institution.
Her being cheerleading captain, class president, and a major influencer isn't complete without the athletic boyfriend. Amber wanted to be Rod's girlfriend since he transferred to Sinnoh Island to play baseball for the Sinnoh Strikers. He was the perfect fit for her, but she noticed that he had eyes for someone that she hated, but she was persistent and became his girlfriend anyway. With these two as the power couple, everything seemed perfect for Amber, but eventually jealousy overtakes her. That same jealousy leads to detrimental results, even someone's death.
Amber has always been second to Sharnay, and the childhood rivalry motivated her to become better. Always a rich, and spoiled girl. Her parents are both lawyers in Sinnoh Island. Their clients are usually politicians and celebrities, and have given Amber everything she's ever wanted. She already always has the latest sports car, the latest clothes, and is always attentive to new trends. Along with her being trendy, being class president allows her to control and dictate events that occur in school, which gives her major influence in the institution. Her fund raisers usually raise the school a lot of money, so she has major connections within the institution.
Her being cheerleading captain, class president, and a major influencer isn't complete without the athletic boyfriend. Amber wanted to be Rod's girlfriend since he transferred to Sinnoh Island to play baseball for the Sinnoh Strikers. He was the perfect fit for her, but she noticed that he had eyes for someone that she hated, but she was persistent and became his girlfriend anyway. With these two as the power couple, everything seemed perfect for Amber, but eventually jealousy overtakes her. That same jealousy leads to detrimental results, even someone's death.
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